We have reason to celebrate! – 37 years of software distribution

Our journey with SOS Software Service began on July 1, 1987. Back then, nobody could have guessed what direction we would take and, above all, how many changes we would witness. Founded by a few students around Joaquim Moreira dos Santos, who developed software, came up with the driving business idea as a result of many everyday challenges: if the students needed suitable tools to write software, it was not so easy to find and procure them in 1987. In times when there was no internet and no e-mails, contacts were made in person, usually by Marc Gloning. Sales were done over the phone and marketing meant printing catalogs and sending them out in huge print runs all over the world.

Orders were sent by post, which quickly took several weeks overseas. Software deliveries consisted of floppy disks with thick manuals and were also sent by post. A delivery quickly took several weeks. People were happy when the fax machine found its way into offices. Nevertheless, the long delivery route remained. A lot has happened since then. We are incredibly proud to have witnessed the development of IT in recent years. The discussions with the many manufacturers who come onto the market every day with great innovative solutions to make our world even more efficient and better allow us to participate in a world that we would never have dared to dream of in 1987.

Many of our colleagues, dealers and manufacturers were not even born at that time. It was already called software distribution. Different from today, but no less successful.

On this note, dear SOS Software Service: We wish you all the best for your birthday today and look forward to the next 37 years. Thank you for being a reliable employer, supplier and partner over the years. In times of constant change, consistency counts more than ever.

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